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Welcome the Energy of May 2022

Author; Sandra Tillett

So this month humans everywhere are moving into a new energy. Passing from April and into May we leave the month with a solar eclipse and when that occurs, the energy shifts. Regardless of where you live, what job you do, how you identify yourself, or any other possibility existing on your journey, the energy of 2022 and with the energetic events occurring around the world, both external and internal, the energy is completely different than the prior months of this year.


According to numerology the year 2022 converts to a 6. (2+0+2+2=6)

Checking out the influence of this number in our lives, collectively and individually, support is the theme for this year. Giving and receiving, we will be constantly reminded that what we put into any relationship will either improve or erode it. According to Nancy states that May 2022 makes up the universal number of 11/2, with the energy of the sun, moon and Mercury, aligning in the heaves, there is some amazing energy coming our way.

Inner knowing will increase, as freedom, knowledge and love begins to come into our awareness according to the number 5 which reflects those attributes.

As you contemplate this for yourself try a few simple things to help you sort out what matters for you. Use this brief list or create your own, but getting out and going within, the opportunity to stay in your present moment is key to your supporting yourself, as the energy of the year continues to build!

Journal - keep a log of your thoughts, inspirations and dreams. Often when we review our most intimate thoughts and feelings we see what we might have missed when we were inundated with distractions and daily activities. Sometimes the review of our thoughts and feelings later, can offer clarity and a new sense of purpose or understanding that hadn't existed previously.

Create- Draw, paint, write, or find your way to get into your personal creative flow. The truth is often as we flow into our new day or a new timeline, we find that our focus will not only produce amazing and interesting insights, but the lessons they offer can be profoundly impactful.

Get into Nature-- when we begin to move from being in our homes over the winter, and increase our time outside, we again connect with the support the earth provides. Getting out into nature is key to allowing us to connect with the learning there. Provided through our working in the dirt, being on the water, hiking or just spending time on your back watching the clouds, the lessons nature provides are endless when we look to what we need to know right now!

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